Where: Hoxton, N1
Who For: City & Hackney PCT
What: 3085 sqm commercial
Hackney Community College
The Defoe Building within the College was built in the mid 1990’s as part of the drive to increase further education provision. However, with the change of emphasis to higher education, the College had surplus accommodation, which placed a drain on their resources. At the same time, City & Hackney PCT had a need for new space as part of redevelopment taking place elsewhere for back room office functions, as well as a desire to provide healthcare facilities for students. CMA Planning secured permission for change of use from education use to office use for City & Hackney PCT, working closely with the College. Key issues addressed as part of the application included the loss of education facilities, highlighting the benefits to the PCT, parking provision, sustainable travel, avoiding the need for any Section 106 agreement and ensuring the permission was flexible enough for the PCT in the future. Following discussions with Planning Officers at the London Borough of Hackney, the application was approved within eight weeks and permission was granted in November 2009. There was no Section 106 agreement, and only one condition, the standard time limit.