The Wharves Deptford The Wharves Deptford Project Sheet.pdf

Where: Deptford, Lewisham

Who For: City & Provincial

What: 905 residential units, 17,645 sqm non-residential floorspace 

Architect: Hawkins Brown

The Wharves Deptford will see the redevelopment of an underperforming and inefficiently used site occupied by low quality commercial buildings transformed into a genuine mixed-use area, including new homes, public realm, employment opportunities, better links to transport and community facilities, kick starting the regeneration of North Deptford. The scheme proposals were developed through extensive engagement with the London Borough of Lewisham, other statutory bodies such as CABE and the GLA and the local community. The result is a shared vision for a high quality development integrated within the local context and socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. The planning application was submitted to the London Borough of Lewisham in December 2009, with planning permission being granted in March 2012. The project was also shortlisted for the 2013 Housing Design Awards. This was a collaborative process, with extensive involvement and participation extending over a 12 month period, including over 400 hours of community consultation. 7000 people were informed through the process, around 700 participated and 400 people were directly involved. There were 13 public consultation events in total, with a growing core interest group providing continuity and depth of understanding. Additionally there were over 30 'one to one' interviews with 26 local and representative groups to understand better the full range of issues, concerns and opportunities. This unique commitment to the process of engagement by developer and design team matched by a growing enthusiasm from the community has created a scheme with a real sense of place and local ownership, whilst the generous time span enabled a meaningful consultation and for ideas to inform the design.

  • Borough: Lewisham
  • Scale: Strategic
  • Status: Approved
  • Sector: Commercial, Housing, Mixed Use