Where: Deptford
Who For: Bluecroft
What: 56 flats, 1541 sqm commercial floorspace
Architect: Metropolitan Workshop
CMA Planning were appointed to put forward a mixed-use proposal comprising creative workspace and apartments that responded to the historic and artistic character of the Creekside Conservation area. Detailed studies into the architectural and social history of Creekside were carried out in order to inform a sensitive design proposal. With reference to the local creative culture, materials and architectural motifs of the historic industrial buildings nearby, the new building can be fully integrated into Creekside without compromising its character.
The proposal provides over 1,500 sqm creative workspace, the majority of which will be held on a long lease by Lewisham Council, a fully open working yard, and 56 new homes in a high quality and distinctive new building that draws on the Creekside’s industrial heritage.
Freddie Murray, Service Group Manager for Property at Lewisham Council said "From a Regeneration and wider economic perspective, as well has providing much needed housing, the increase in the amount of employment floorspace should drive further economic benefits supporting other developments on Creekside and in Deptford Town Centre.“
Planning approval was then secured in April 2019.