Where: 154-158 Sydenham Road, SE26
Who For: Peabody
What: 33 homes and 79 sqm of commercial space
Architect: SDPS / Adam Khan
Planning permission was secured by CMA from the London Borough of Lewisham for this scheme of 29 dwellings comprising 19 flats, 10 terraced houses and 155 sqm commercial space on a brownfield site off Sydenham Road in July 2019. The proposed high quality materials will include vertical and horizontally ribbed brickwork detailing which will enhance and harmonise with the surrounding context.
The site was originally used as a buildings yard but surrounded by residential properties, so removing this non-conforming use was highlighted as a significant planning benefit during the application process. Other key issues which were tackled during the planning process included the affordable housing provision, parking levels, overlooking / impact on aspect and outlook, sunlight / daylight impacts and the height of the development.
CMA managed the application process on behalf of Peabody, liaised with Officers, addressed points raised, presented at committee and secured permission. CMA then secured an amendment to the scheme in 2021 which increased the number of homes to 33. CMA then helped with further amendments and conditions, prior to the completion of the scheme in 2023.