Where: Walthamstow, E17
Who For: Sixty Bricks / LB Waltham Forest
What: 83 homes and 1515 sqm Health Centre
Architect: Bell Phillips
Planning permission was secured in February 2020 for this 12 storey scheme which comprises 83 mixed-tenure homes and a new NHS Health Centre in Walthamstow, for Sixty Bricks, Waltham Forest’s wholly owned housing delivery company.
The new development, located adjacent to St. James Street station, will provide 50% affordable homes and is part of the South Grove masterplan that will provide 518 new homes. The building terminates a new public open space to the east that will be provided as part of the South Grove masterplan and anticipates a new public space to the west that is proposed as part of a new public realm strategy for the Station environs.
Key issues addressed included the height, residential quality, public realm, and with the GLA, energy and sustainability matters.