Where: Stopford Road, Plaistow E13
Who For: Notting Hill Genesis
What: 7 homes
Architect: Jan Kattein
Royston Court is a three storey block of flats dating from the 1970s, located on Stopford Road in Plaistow, within the London Brough of Newham. The site includes 18 dilapidated single storey garages to the rear of the block, which had fallen into disrepair and detracted from the area. CMA worked with Notting Hill Genesis and the architects to secure planning permission for the redevelopment of the garages to provide seven new homes. The consented scheme comprises 5x2bed, two storey mews houses fronting Pelly Road and 2x2 bed maisonettes in a three storey block at the corner of Pelly Road and Crescent Road.
The scheme had to respond to a number of site constraints, including the close proximity to rear-facing windows in Royston Court and three London Plane trees with TPOs on Pelly Road. The design responses included staggering the arrangement of mews houses and the use of curved roofs with obscured bathroom windows to the rear (facing Royston Court), and the use of screwpile foundations to minimise damage to tree roots.
Planning permission was granted in January 2021.