Where: Commercial Way / Old Kent Road, SE1
Who For: LB Southwark
What: 340 homes and 722 sqm non-residential
Architect: Karakusevic Carson
In 2017 concerns were raised about the fire safety of the four tower blocks on the Ledbury Estate. The Council took swift action, and have worked closely with residents to secure the future of the Estate. Following a successful ballot in 2021 where the residents voted to regenerate the estate, the team have worked closely with residents to prepare designs, following which CMA submitted this scheme for planning consideration in January 2022.
This application was approved in June 2022 and will deliver 340 high-quality new homes, the majority of which will be for council rent. Not only will these be replacing existing homes, the Council will also be building additional and much needed new affordable homes to meet the needs of the 16,200 households on the housing allocations list.
The replacement homes will meet the commitment made in the Landlord offer to Ledbury residents. The team have worked closely with Ledbury residents, local community groups and other stakeholders to prepare designs that meet the requirements of the Landlord offer and reflect the views and feedback from those living on the estate. The wider community will also benefit from the development, as a new TRA hall will be provided along with better quality green and play spaces across the estate.