CMA Planning have secured a hat-trick of approvals at LB Waltham Forest Planning Committee with three separate schemes for Sixty Bricks, the Council’s housing delivery vehicle given the go-ahead. The proposals, designed by Bell Phillips Architects at Essex Close and South Grove and by On Architecture at Hylands Road will deliver a total of 223 much needed new homes (with 74% affordable provided overall) alongside a new NHS Health Centre.
CMA are pleased to confirm our planning application for Southern Housing for the redevelopment of the Kennaway Estate in Stoke Newington was approved by the London Borough of Hackney’s Planning Committee. This infill development, designed by Waugh Thistleton and PRP Landscape will provide 61 new homes (61% affordable) along with a workshop space, community hub and wider landscape improvements which represents the culmination of more than two years of work and extensive consultation with the residents and local community.
CMA secured planning approval at the London Borough of Hackney's Planning Committee this week for two schemes in London Fields. The first project, for Aitch Group, is at the Laundry Building on Warburton Road. Pictured here, the pH+ designed scheme will deliver 58 new homes and 2455 sqm of employment space. The second development is on Bayford Street for Restoration Group and will deliver a further 38 homes and 2247 sqm of employment space. Overcoming various issues, the two schemes will continue the regeneration of the London Fields area.
CMA Planning have secured approval from the LLDC Planning committee for Phase 3 of Peabody and Hill’s Neptune Wharf scheme. The proposal has been designed by Haworth Tompkins and will deliver 93 new homes and 525 sqm of commercial floorspace along with new public realm and improved connections to adjoining roads and to the Hertford Union Canal frontage.
NLA Awards are organised by New London Architecture and supported by the Mayor of London to honour the best architectural schemes in the capital, with the winners chosen by an international panel of architecture, urban design and planning experts. CMA Planning are extremely pleased to have Agar Grove Phase 1a recognised as the best new building in these influential awards. The scheme also won the Sustainability Prize. The scheme, designed by Hawkins Brown, delivers affordable and energy-efficient homes for the London Borough of Camden, and is the first phase of a 500 home masterplan with Mae Architects.
The Hackney Wick Fish Island Retrospective Masterplan Team, which includes CMA Planning have won an award at the Planning Awards. This evolving research project concentrating on lessons learned from building a new piece of city won the category of Excellence in Placemaking at High Densities. The approach in Hackney Wick and Fish Island is different from a masterplan, and instead marks a return to principled city building. Owners and occupiers work closely with authorities to successfully steer change in a place which is not in single ownership. This experience highlights the importance of knowing and understanding the particular qualities that contribute to character of a place and the features valued by those that live and work there. This provides the basis for successful placemaking.
CMA Planning are pleased to announce that our proposals at 90 Monier Road on Fish Island in East London received planning approval at the LLDC planning committee. The scheme, for Taylor Wimpey and designed by dRMM Architects will deliver 148 new homes, with 35% affordable, 40,000 sqft commercial space along with new public realm.
CMA Planning has secured approval from the Lewisham Council’s Strategic Development Committee for this mixed use scheme in Creekside, Deptford. The proposal, designed by Metropolitan Workshop for Bluecroft will deliver 56 new homes (36% of which will be affordable) and 1541 sqm of creative commercial workspace with a fully open working yard in this vibrant corner of the Borough. The uses are contained within a high quality and distinctive new building that draws on the Creekside’s rich industrial heritage.
Agar Grove Estate had a double win at the London Planning Awards which celebrate standout planning and development projects from the last 12 months. It won The Mayor’s Award for Sustainable and Environmental Planning and The Mayor’s Award for Good Growth. Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, Jules Pipe, said: “The Agar Grove Estate is a great example of how estate regeneration should be done: helping existing residents play an active role in shaping the future of their neighbourhood and ensuring the development works both for them and for future residents”.
CMA Planning originally secured permission for Agar Grove in 2014 and continues to assist with delivery. Phase 1 was completed in 2018. The scheme will be the UK’s largest Passivhaus development.
CMA Planning has secured unanimous approval for Iceland Wharf in Fish Island from the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Planning Committee on behalf of City & Suburban Homes. The pH+ Architects designed project delivers layers of housing, industrial and maker space alongside more flexible tethered living and working environments, containing 120 new homes, 35% of which would be affordable, as well as 41,000 sqft of commercial / industrial space. These are all linked by shared yards and amenity spaces.
CMA Planning have submitted a planning application for major new residential scheme for Telford Homes in Bethnal Green. The HTA designed scheme, at the site of the former London Electricity Board (LEB) office, will deliver 189 new homes (40% of which will be affordable), along with 18,000 sqft of commercial space, and new public spaces / public realm.
The New London Architecture (NLA) Awards celebrates the best physical change in the Capital. This year, three schemes CMA are involved with won awards, namely Sands End Arts and Community Centre for LB Hammersmith & Fulham by Mae Architects, Nobu Hotel for Willow Corp by Ben Adams Architects / Ron Arad Studio and Tileyard Studios for City & Provincial by Pilbrow and Partners. Furthermore, Dalston Lane for Regal Homes by Waugh Thistleton Architects was commended and four other projects were shortlisted - Pedro Street, Iceland Wharf, 63 Pall Mall and De Beauvoir Block.
CMA Planning have just submitted a new application to London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) for Taylor Wimpey at Monier Road on Fish Island. The scheme, designed by dRMM architects and Spacehub landscape architects, will deliver 148 new homes and 40,000 sqft of commercial space, along with new public realm. The proposal retains many of the existing trees and links these to attractive south facing podium gardens for residents.
CMA Planning has secured approval at the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Planning Committee for a mixed use scheme on behalf of City & Suburban Homes. The site, which is located on Trego Road in Hackney Wick, forms part of a wider Site Allocation that encompasses the adjacent McGrath waste transfer site, for which separate approval was granted for the ‘Wickside’ masterplan scheme at the same committee meeting.
The Trego Road scheme, which was designed by pH+ Architects in collaboration with BD Landscape, will see the site redeveloped to provide a new building of outstanding architectural quality that rises to six storeys in height and will deliver 52 new homes, with 35% affordable housing, together with 1,915 sqm of B1 floorspace and new, high-quality, landscaped public open space.
CMA Planning has successfully secured permission at appeal at The Oval, Cambridge Heath, in Tower Hamlets on behalf of Aitch Group. Two schemes (designed by DSDHA) were allowed, one for 51 homes in buildings up to 8 storeys in height and one for 57 homes up to 10 storeys in height. Both contained 461 sqm of commercial/community space.
Following a Hearing in March, the Inspector concluded that the comprehensive redevelopment of the site, including the retention and refurbishment of Victorian and Regency cottages with a scheme which reflected and respected the industrial heritage of the area should be given the go-ahead. The Inspector considered that the proposal would deliver improvements to the public realm and would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area.
The Inspector found that the replacement of existing outdated employment floorspace with modern, flexible workspace that has the potential to accommodate significantly more people at the site than the current business was a significant benefit, as was the fact it would help in securing the timely delivery of an identified strategic development site. The Inspector also noted that whilst the quantity of affordable housing was limited, it was of a size and tenure for which the Council acknowledged that there is an identified local need.
First approval of 2018! CMA Planning secured a successful resolution to grant planning permission from Tower Hamlets Council last night for this residential scheme located on Morville Street in Bow. The proposal for IPE Developments / Bluecroft and designed by Stockwool Architects is for a six storey building contains 58 much needed new homes, 35% of which are affordable.
On behalf of Family Mosaic / Peabody and Sherrygreen Homes, and working alongside PTE architects and BDP landscape architects, CMA Planning has obtained approval for a major new residential proposal in Deptford, from the London Borough of Lewisham. The scheme will deliver 209 new homes, which includes 47% affordable provision, and will include the restoration and conversion of the Victorian former Tidemill School Buildings, along with new build blocks ranging in height from 4 to 6 storeys combined with the provision of major new public realm spaces.
This approval will also allow the sister site at Amersham Vale in New Cross to come forward to deliver 120 new homes (also pictured), following its approval last year. As such, 329 new homes will be delivered over the two sites.
The New London Architecture (NLA) Awards recognise the very best in architecture, planning and development in the capital, including both new and proposed projects across all sectors of the built environment, selected by an international expert jury. This year, three CMA projects won awards, and two were commended. Silchester Estate by Haworth Thompkins for Peabody won the Housing Award, Holy Trinity School and Vibe by Rock Townsend / Stockwool for LDBS / Telford Homes won the Mixed Use Award whilst Stour Wharf by AHMM for H Forman & Son won the Homes Award. Quest House by SDPS for Family Mosaic and Dalston Lane by Waugh Thistleton for Regal were both commended.
Holy Trinity School and Vibe in Dalston has won a prestigious Housing Design Award for a Completed Scheme. Launched in 1948, these are the only Awards promoted by all five major professional institutions – RICS, RIBA, RPTI, the Landscape Institute and the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists, and aim to celebrate innovative housing design across all of the UK.
The project for Telford Homes and the London Diocesan Board for Schools by Rock Townsend and Stockwool is an innovative approach to meeting the need for school places alongside providing new homes and comprises a two-form entry primary school with seven storeys of new homes above. CMA Planning secured approval for the project in 2013 and it was completed in 2016.
Watch the Housing Design Award’s Holy Trinity video here >
On behalf of Family Mosaic, and working alongside Alan Camp Architects, CMA Planning has secured planning permission for a new residential development in Leyton, from the London Borough of Waltham Forest. The proposal, located on a former NHS site, will see 79 new homes developed and includes flats and 4 bed terraced houses, set around a village green’ style amenity space. The scheme is being delivered by Keepmoat.
CMA Planning has secured approval for two mixed use schemes at the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Planning Committee, both for Aitch Group. The first is on Dace Road in Fish Island, designed by Buckley Gray Yeoman and contains 110 new flats and 6300 sqm of commercial space, split between four buildings located around a central square. The second is on Rothbury Road in Hackney Wick, designed by Hawkins\Brown and contains 640 sqm of commercial space with 23 homes above. The schemes were described by the Committee as representing ‘really sophisticated planning’ and being ‘handsome’ respectively.
CMA Planning have submitted a planning application to the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) on behalf of Coldpark for the redevelopment of 57 Berkshire Road, in Hackney Wick. The proposal, designed by Mikhail Riches Architects and Spacehub Landscape Architects, involves a new build mixed use scheme which would deliver 1627 sqm (17,500 sqft) of new high quality B1 commercial space, along with 39 new homes.
The proposals will create a robust, multifunctional mews street activated by resident’s entrances and shopfront style open plan workspaces. Tenants and residents will be encouraged to occupy and personalise this space over time. The project also follows the concepts of the Hackney Wick Masterplan currently being developed by the LLDC. The approach to the site is to provide a mix of commercial and residential dwellings that fit within the proposed context of the Masterplan, while engaging with the historic elements of the area.
CMA Planning secured unanimous approval last night from the Hackney Council Planning Committee for the Hackney New Primary School at 333 Kingsland Road (the former Kingsland Road Fire Station site). The proposals will see a new two-form entry 350-pupil primary school being delivered, which will be a community-led co-educational school for 5-11 year olds with a particular focus on music. The Henley Halebrown designed scheme also includes a residential element within a 11 storey block containing 68 units, along with a small retail unit which will help cross subsidise delivery of the school.
CMA Planning have submitted two applications on behalf of Aitch Group for the redevelopment of the Empress Coachworks on Corbridge Crescent, located within Bethnal Green, to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Both schemes include the restoration, refurbishment and residential conversion of the historic Regency and Victorian Cottages on the site, together with the erection of three linked blocks that include 5000 sqft office/community floorspace at ground floor level, and the provision of enhancements to the surrounding public realm. Scheme 1 rises to 10 storeys and provides 57 homes, whilst Scheme 2 rises to 12 storeys and provides 65 homes.
The schemes have been designed by award winning architects DSDHA and the proposals will serve to kick-start the regeneration of a part of Tower Hamlets that has for many years been blighted by the adjacent Marian Place Gas Works, which was decommissioned in 2012.
CMA have secured planning approval from the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) for Block A, which is a ‘feature building’ within the wider Neptune Wharf development on Fish Island for Peabody. The proposals, designed by Lyndon Goode Architects, contains a 300 sqm restaurant / bar at ground level to be occupied by The Trampery as part of their involvement in the project, with 16 flats located above for Peabody and their development partner Hill. Construction is due to start shortly.
The London Borough of Camden have granted planning permission for the redevelopment of this site located on Kilburn High Road, designed by Claridge Architects, for the Aitch Group, with CMA advising. The scheme contains 60 flats and 950 sqm (10,000 sqft) of commercial space within a six storey block, overlooking Kilburn Grange Park.
CMA Planning have secured planning permission for The Ethical Property Company for Phase 1 of their new flagship building at 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The proposal, designed by Waugh Thistleton Architects, involves various changes of use and extensions to the existing building to deliver 3770 sqm (40,000 sqft) of new high quality B1a office floorspace. An application for Phase 2 is currently being considered by the Borough.
The Ethical Property Company is a social business which owns and / or manages 23 centres across the UK providing offices and support facilities for over 1,000 organisations, almost two thirds of which are charities or not-for‐profit organisations, with the remainder made up of businesses working in the social sector.
The winners of this year’s prestigious Hackney Design Awards have been announced after much deliberation by a panel of experts, and two CMA schemes were included, namely Copper Lane by HHbR and Frampton Park Baptist Church by Matthew Lloyd Architects. Fifty different projects were originally nominated, before a shortlist of 16 was drawn up from which the seven winners were selected.
Neptune Wharf was originally granted planning consent by the LLDC in 2014 and is one of the first major mixed-use developments on Fish Island. The site was acquired by Peabody and CMA Planning is working with them, Hill and Haworth Tompkins to deliver the scheme, which contains 50,000 sqft of commercial space and 524 new homes. This s73 permission secures a series of amendments to the consented proposals, including increasing the commercial space provision, changes to blocks footprint, height and design and other alterations to improve residential quality.
Planning permission has been granted by the London Borough of Waltham Forest for these two linked sites on Hoe Street in Walthamstow, for M&D Silk Properties, designed by Stockwool Architects. The proposals will deliver 54 new homes and 400 sqm retail space.
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